Translator and interpreter associations around the World
International associations, Albania, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Guatemala, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Korea, Latvia, Lebanon, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Malaysia, Mexico, Moldova, Morocco, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, Taiwan, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom, United States, Uruguay, Venezuela.
International Associations
 | AAMT - Asia-Pacific Association for Machine Translation |
 | AIIC - International Association of Conference Interpreters |
 | AITC - International Association of Conference Translators |
 | AOT - Arab Organization for Translation |
 | ATN / APTS - Arab Professional Translators Society |
 | AVTE - AudioVisual Translators Europe |
 | CIUTI - International Permanent Conference of University Institutes of Translators and Interpreters |
 | CEATL - European Council of Associations of Literary Translators |
 | CETL - Centre européen de traduction littéraire |
 | EAFT - European Association for Terminology |
 | EAMT - European Association for Machine Translation |
 | ELIA - European Language Industry Association |
 | ESIST - European Association for Studies in Screen Translation |
 | EST - European Society for Translation Studies |
 | EUATC - European Union of Associations of Translation Companies |
 | EULITA - European Legal Interpreters and Translators Association |
 | GALA - Globalization and Localization Association |
 | IAPTI - International Association of Professional Translators and Interpreters |
 | IATIS - International Association for Translation & Intercultural Studies |
 | IMIA - International Medical Interpreters Association |
 | IFT - International Federation of Translators |
 | TAALS - The American Association of Language Specialists |
 | TLAXCALA - The international network of translators for linguistic diversity |
 | Translators for Peace |
 | Translators Without Borders |
 | TREMÉDICA - International Association of Translators and Editors in Medicine and Related Sciences |
 | WASLI - World Association of Sign Language Interpreters |
 | WATA - World Association of Arab Translators & Linguists |
 | AITA - Albanian Interpreters & Translators Association |
 | AATI - Argentine Association of Translators and Interpreters |
 | AATT - Asociación Argentina de Traductores Técnico-Científicos |
 | ADICA - Argentine Association of Conference Interpreters |
 | CTPCA - Colegio de Traductores Públicos de Catamarca |
 | CTPCBA - Association of Translators of Buenos Aires |
 | CTPI - Círculo de Traductores Públicos e Intérpretes de la Zona Oeste |
 | CTPSF - Colegio de Traductores de Santa Fe (1º circ.) |
 | Colegio de Traductores de Santa Fe (2da circ.) |
 | Colegio de Traductores Públicos e Intérpretes de la Provincia de Buenos Aires (San isidro) |
 | F.A.T. - Federación Argentina de Traductores |
 | AALITRA - Australian Association for Literary Translation |
 | ASLIA - Australian Sign Language Interpreters Association. |
 | AUSIT - Australian Institute of Interpreters and Translators |
 | NAATI - National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters |
 | ACCI - Austrian Association of Certified Court Interpreters |
 | Austrian Interpreters and Translators Association |
 | Austrian Association of Literary and Scientific Translators |
 | ATLB - Association des Traducteurs Littéraires de Belgique |
 | BQTA - Belgian Quality Translation Association |
 | Belgian Chamber of Translators and Interpreters |
 | ABRATES - Brazilian Association of Translators and Interpreters |
 | ACETIP - Associação Cearense de Tradutores e Intérpretes Públicos |
 | APIC - Associação Profissional de Intépretes de Conferência (Brazil) |
 | ATP-MG - Associação dos Tradutores Públicos de Minas Gerais |
 | ATPIESP - Associação Profissional dos Tradutores Públicos e Intérpretes Comerciais, do Estado de São Paulo |
 | SINTRA - Sindicato Nacional dos Tradutores |
 | BTU - Bulgarian Translators' Union |
 | ACJT - Canadian Association of Legal Translators |
 | AILIA - Canadian Language Industry Association |
 | ATIA - The Association of Translators and Interpreters of Alberta (Canada) |
 | ATIO - Association of Translators and Interpreters of Ontario (Canada) |
 | ATIM - Association of Translators and Interpreters of Manitoba (Canada) |
 | ATINS - Association of Translators and Interpreters of Nova Scotia |
 | ATIS - The Association of Translators and Interpreters of Saskatchewan |
 | CASLI - Canadian Association of Sign Language Interpreters |
 | CATS - Canadian Association for Translation Studies |
 | CTINB - Corporation of Translators, Terminologists and Interpreters of New Brunswick |
 | CTTIC - Canadian Translators, Terminologist and Interpreters Council |
 | GSAT - Concordia University Graduate Students Association in Translation |
 | LTAC Literary Translators' Association of Canada |
 | NTE - Network of Translators in Education (Canada) |
 | OTTIAQ - Ordre des traducteurs, terminologues et interprètes agréés du Québec (Canada) |
 | STIBC - Society of Translators and Interpreters of British Colombia (Canada) |
 | COTICH - College of Translators and Interpreters of Chile |
 | Hong Kong Translation Society |
 | TAC - Translators Association of China |
 | ACTTI - Asociación Colombiana de Traductores, Terminólogos e Intérpretes |
Costa Rica
 | ANTIO - Asociación National de Traductores e Intérpretes Oficiales |
 | Croatian Literaly Translators' Association |
 | HDZTP - Croatian Association of Scientific and Technical Translators |
 | AIIC Greece & Cyprus International Association of Conference Interpreters |
Czech Republic
 | JTP - Union of Interpreters and Translators |
 | The Translators's Guild |
 | Association of Danish Authorized Translators |
 | Danish Authors' Society |
Dominican Republic
 | CODIJ - Colegio Dominicano de Intérpretes Judiciales |
 | ATIEC - Ecuadorian Association of Translators and Interpreters |
 | EGYTA - Egyptian Translators Association |
 | ETTL - Estonian Association of Interpreters and Translators |
 | SKTL - Finnish Association of Translators and Interpreters |
 | AAE-ESIT - Association des Anciens Élèves de l'École Supérieure d'Interprètes et de Traducteurs |
 | AFILS - Aassociation française des interprètes et traducteurs en langue des signes |
 | APROTRAD - Association professionnelle des métiers de la traduction |
 | ATAA - Association des Traducteurs / Adaptateurs de l'Audiovisuel |
 | ATIA - Association of Professional Translators and Interpreters in Aquitaine |
 | ATLAS - Assises de la Traduction Littéraire en Arles |
 | ATLF - The French Literary Translators' Association |
 | CETIECAP - Compagnie des Experts Traducteurs et Interprètes en Exercice près la Cour d'Appel de Paris |
 | Chambre des Experts-Traducteurs et Traducteurs Jurés de l'Est |
 | CETTAF - Chambre des experts-traducteurs et traducteurs assermentés de France |
 | SFT - The French Association of Translators |
 | SoFT - Société Française de Traductologie |
 | UNETICA - Union Nationale des Experts Traducteurs - Interprètes près les Cours d'Appel |
 | ADÜ Nord - Assoziierte Dolmetscher und Übersetzer in Norddeutschland e.V. |
 | BDÜ - Federal Association of Interpreters and Translators |
 | DGÜD - Deutschen Gesellschaft für Übersetzungs - und Dolmetschwissenschaft |
 | DVÜD - Deutscher Verband der Übersetzer und Dolmetscher e.V. |
 | QSD - Qualitätssprachendienste Deutschlands |
 | VDÜ - Verband deutschsprachiger Übersetzer literarischer und wissenschaftlicher Werke e.V. |
 | VKD - Verband der Konferenzdolmetscher im BDÜ e.V. |
 | PEM - Panhellenic Association of Translators |
 | AGIT - Guatemalan Association of Interpreters and Translators |
 | MEGY - Magyar Mufordítók Egyesülete |
 | AHTI - Association of Hungarian Translators and Interpreters |
 | ITA - Indian Translators Association |
 | HPI - Himpunan Penerjemah Indonesia |
 | TIAT - Translators and Interprers' Association of Tehran |
 | Iraqi Translators Association |
 | ITIA - The Irish Translators' and Interpreters' Association |
 | ITA - Israel Translators Association |
 | AIDAC - Italian Association of Audiovisual Script Translators and Adaptors |
 | AITI - Italian Association of Translators and Interpreters |
 | ASSITIG - Associazione Italiana Traduttori e Interpreti Giudiziari |
 | Associazione Italiana Traduttori e Interpreti sezione Campania |
 | Associazione Italiana Traduttori e Interpreti sezione Emilia-Romagna |
 | Associazione Italiana Traduttori e Interpreti sezione Friuli-Venezia Giulia |
 | Associazione Italiana Traduttori e Interpreti sezione Lazio |
 | Associazione Italiana Traduttori e Interpreti sezione Liguria |
 | Associazione Italiana Traduttori e Interpreti sezione Lombardia |
 | Associazione Italiana Traduttori e Interpreti sezione Marche |
 | Associazione Italiana Traduttori e Interpreti sezione Piemonte-Valle d'Aosta |
 | Associazione Italiana Traduttori e Interpreti sezione Sicilia |
 | Associazione Italiana Traduttori e Interpreti sezione Toscana |
 | Associazione Italiana Traduttori e Interpreti sezione Veneto Trentino Alto Adige |
 | ANIMU - Associazione Nazionale degli Interpreti di Lingua dei Segni Italiana |
 | ANIOS - Associazione Interpreti di Lingua dei Segni Italiana |
 | ANITI - Associazione Nazionale Italiana Traduttori e Interpreti |
 | ASSOINTERPRETI - Italian Association of Conference Interpreters |
 | STRADE - Sindacato dei traduttori editoriali |
 | LDÜ-UPT - Landesverband der Übersetzer - Unione provinciale traduttori |
 | JAT - Japan Association of Translators |
 | JTF - Japan Translation Federation |
 | JATAL - Association of Jordanian Translators, Interpreters and Applied Linguists |
 | JTA - The Jordanian Translators' Association |
 | KATI - Korean Association of Translators and Interpreters |
 | The Latvian Association of Interpreters and Translators |
 | Central Syndicate of Sworn Translator |
 | Lithuanian Association of Literaly Translators |
 | ALTI - Luxembourg Association of Translators and Interpreters |
 | MATA - Macedonian Translators Association |
 | MTA - Malaysian Translators Association |
 | AMETI - Asociación Mexicana de Traductores Literarios, A. C. |
 | ATIMAC - Asociación de Traductores e Intérpretes de Monterrey |
 | OMT - Organización Mexicana de Traductores |
 | ATP - Association of Professional Translators of Moldova |
 | ATAJ - Association des Traducteurs Agréés près les Juridictions |
 | NBTG - Dutch Association of Sign Language Interpreters |
 | NGTV - Nederlands Genootschap van Tolken en Vertalers |
 | SIGV - Court Interpreters and Legal Translators |
 | Stichting Vertalersforum |
New Zealand
 | NZSTI - New Zealand Society of Translators and Interpreters |
 | NAVIO - The Norwegian Audiovisual Translators Association |
 | NFF - The Norwegian Non-fiction Writers and Translators Association |
 | NO - Norwegian Association of Literary Translators |
 | The Association of Government Authorized Translators in Norway |
 | ATPP - Peruvian Association of Professional Translators |
 | CTP - Colegio de Traductores del Perú |
 | STP - Polish Society of Literary Translators |
 | TEPIS - Polish Society of Sworn and Specialised Translators |
 | APT - Portuguese Association of Translators |
 | APTRAD - Associaçãode Portuguesa de Tradutores e Intérpretes |
 | ATR - Romanian Translators Association |
 | UNTAR - Uniunea Nationala a Traducatorilor Autorizati din Romania |
 | The National League of Translators (Russia) |
 | Institute for Literary Translation |
 | Union of Translators of Russia |
 | Union of Translators of Russia - Sverdlovsk Region Branch |
 | UKPS/ALTS - Association of Literary Translators of Serbia |
 | JTP - Union of Interpreters and Translators |
 | LIC - Literarne Informacne centrum (Slovakia) |
 | SAPT -The Slovak Association of Translators and Interpreters |
 | SSPOL - Slovak Society of Translators of Scientific and Technical Literature |
 | Association of Sworn Court Interpreters and Legal Translators of Slovenia |
 | DSKP - Slovenian Association of Literary Translators |
 | DZTPS - Association of Scientific and Technical Translators of Slovenia |
South Africa
 | SATI - South African Translators' Institute |
 | ACEtt - Spanish Literary Translators Association |
 | AELC - The Association of Catalan Language Writers |
 | AGPTI - Asociación Galega de Profesionais da Traducción e da Interpretación |
 | AICE - Spanish Association of Conference Interpreters |
 | AIETI - Asociación Ibérica de Estudios de Traducción e Interpretación |
 | ASATI - Asociación Aragonesa de Traductores e Intérpretes |
 | ASETRAD - Asociación Española de Traductores, Correctores e Intérpretes |
 | APTIC - Associació Professional de Traductors i Intèrprets de Catalunya |
 | ATIJC - Association of Sworn Translators and Interpreters of Catalonia |
 | ATG - Asociación de Traductores Galegos |
 | ATRAE - Asociación de Traducción y Adaptación Audiovisual de España |
 | EIZIE - Association of Translators, Correctors and Interpreters of Basque Language |
 | XARSATIV - Red de traductores e intérpretes de la Comunidad Valenciana |
 | FAT - Federation of Authorised Translators |
 | SELTA - The Swedish-English Literary Translators' Association |
 | SFÖ - The Swedish Association of Professional Translators |
 | SFF - The Swedish Writers' Union |
 | ADS - Autrices et Auteurs de Suisse |
 | AETI - Association des Etudiants en Traduction et Interprétation, Genève |
 | AIT - Association d'Interprètes et de Traducteurs, Genève |
 | ASTJ - Association Suisse des Traducteurs-Jurés |
 | ASTTI - Swiss Association of Translators, Terminologists and Interpreters |
 | CTL - Centre de Traduction Littéraire de l'Université de Lausanne |
 | INTERPRET - Association Suisse pour l'interprétation Communautaire et la Médiation Culturelle |
 | The Translator and Interpreter Association of Thailand |
 | TAAT - Translation & Attestation Association of Taipei |
 | Translation Interpreting Association Turkey |
 | TKTD - Conference Interpreters Association |
 | TÜCED - Turkish Translator's Association |
 | Türkiye I.lim ve Edebiyat Eseri Sahipleri Meslek Birlig |
 | UATI - Ukrainian Association of Translators and Interpreters |
United Kingdom
 | APCI - Association of Police & Court Interpreters |
 | CIOL - Chartered Institute of Linguists |
 | CROESO - The Association of Welsh Translators and Interpreters |
 | ITI - Institute of Translation & Interpreting |
 | NRPSI Ltd - National Register of Public Service Interpreters |
 | NUPIT - National Union of Professional Interpreters and Translators |
 | SUBTLE - The Subtitlers' Association |
 | The Society of Authors - Translation Association |
United States
 | AAIT - Atlanta Association of Interpreters and Translators |
 | AATIA - Austin Area Translators and Interpreters Association |
 | ALTA - American Literary Translators Association |
 | AMTA - Association for Machine Translation in the Americas |
 | ATA - American Translators Association |
 | ATA ID - Interpreters Division of the American Translators Association |
 | ATA MD - Medical Division of the American Translators Association |
 | ATA TCD - American Translators Association Translation Companies Division |
 | ATIF - Association of Translators and Interpreters of Florida |
 | ATISA - American Translation Studies Association |
 | CAT - Center for Art in Translation |
 | CATI - Carolina Association of Translators & Interpreters |
 | CCIA - The California Court Interpreters Association |
 | CCIO - Community and Court Interpreters of the Ohio Valley |
 | CFI - California Federation of Interpreters |
 | CHIA - California Healthcare Interpreting Association |
 | CHICATA - Chicago Area Translators and Interpreters Association |
 | CITA - Colorado Interpreters & Translators Association |
 | DVTA - Delaware Valley Translators Association |
 | EPITA - El Paso Interpreters and Translators Association |
 | HITA - Hawaii Interpreters & Translators' Association |
 | HITA - Houston Interpreters and Translators Association |
 | IITA - Iowa Interpreters and Translators Association |
 | IGA - Interpreters Guild of America |
 | MATI - Midwest Association of Translators & Interpreters |
 | MICATA - Mid-America Chapter of ATA |
 | MING - Medical Interpreter Network of Georgia |
 | MITA - Metroplex Interpreters and Translators Association |
 | MiTiN - Michigan Translators/Interpreters Network |
 | NAJIT - The National Association of Judiciary Interpreters and Translators |
 | NATI - Nebraska Association of Translators and Interpreters |
 | NCATA - National Capital Area Chapter of ATA |
 | NCIHC - National Council on Interpreting in Health Care |
 | NETA - New England Translators Association |
 | NITA - Nevada Interpreters and Translators Association |
 | NMTIA - New Mexico Translators and Interpreters Association |
 | NOTA - Northeast Ohio Translators Association |
 | NOTIS - Northwest Translators and Interpreters Society |
 | NYCT - New York Circle of Translators |
 | RID - Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf |
 | Sign Language Network |
 | TAPIT - Tennessee Association of Professional Interpreters and Translators |
 | UMTIA - Upper Midwest Translators and Interpreters Association |
 | UTIA - Utah Translators and Interpreters Association |
 | Colegio de Traductores Públicos del Uruguay |
 | CONALTI - Colegio Nacional de Licenciados en Traducción e Interpretación |