Lingo 4.0, Terminology Management System

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CD-ROM Lingo 4.0, Terminology Management System

For translators and localizers recording terminology and storing it on file is a tedious but very necessary task. Creating word lists using a word processor or spreadsheet program is ok, but inconvenient once documents are more than a few pages in size and the search possibilities are generally very limited. On the other hand, large terminology management systems or database programs offer many great features but can be difficult to configure and use.

Lingo 4.0 for Windows has been designed to meet the needs of translators, localizers and businesses that need to create and maintain their own terminology bases, dictionaries or glossaries, whether monolingual or multilingual.

Program interface in English or Italian.

Publisher:, France.
Download Lingo 4.0 evaluation
(700 KB, 30 day evaluation, version, interface in English)

Please send us a comment if you have had any problems installing or using Lingo 4.0, or if you have any suggestions regarding the software.

Information about previous versions of Lingo


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