1. | LOGOS Dictionary (MULTI)
Entries: 7580560 |  |
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2. | Microsoft Search Terminology (EN>MULTI)
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3. | Glosbe - the multilingual online dictionary (MULTI)
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4. | Tradukka Mulitlingual Dictionary (MULTI)
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5. | European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control' TM (MULTI)
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6. | EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe (MULTI)
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7. | I-ATE Food Glossary (MULTI)
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8. | Geonames - Countries of the World (MULTI)
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9. | Multilingual set of H and P statements (MULTI)
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10. | Human Rights Terminology (MULTI)
Entries: 30 |  |
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11. | Universal Declaration of Human Rights (MULTI)
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12. | Coronavirus: A Glossary of Terms to Help You Understand the Crisis (MULTI)
Entries: 52 |  |
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13. | Chess Pieces in 78 languages (MULTI)
Entries: 8 |  |
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