English <-> Portuguese medical, health, personal care dictionaries

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16. Histopathology of the uterine cervix - digital atlas / Glossary Definitions (EN-FR-PT)
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17. Pan-Latin Avian Influenza Vocabulary - 2009 (CA-EN-ES-FR-GL-IT-PT-RO)
Entries: 72  
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18. Pan-Latin Occupational Lung Diseases Vocabulary - 2012 (CA-EN-ES-FR-GL-IT-PT-RO)
Entries: 161  
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19. Glossaire des Termes de Base de la Psychanalyse (FR>DE-EN-ES-IT-PT)
Entries: 300  
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20. Panlatin Hemodynamics Vocabulary (2006) (CA-EN-ES-FR-GL-PT-RO)
Entries: 242  
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21. Parallel Corpus made out of PDF documents from the European Medicines Agency (MULTI)
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22. TERMCAT - AIDS Terminology (MULTI)
Entries: 500  
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23. Demopedia: Multilingual Demographic Dictionary (MULTI)
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24. TERMCAT - Diccionari multilingüe de la COVID-19 - 2022 (MULTI)
Entries: 500  
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25. European Multilingual Thesaurus on AIDS and HIV infection (DE-EN-ES-FR-IT-NL-PT)
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26. Brasilian Portuguese /English Glossary of Behavior Analysis Terms - 2015 (EN>PT)
Entries: 780  
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27. Portuguese (Portugal)/English Glossary of Behavior Analysis Terms (EN>PT)
Entries: 800  
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28. European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control' TM (MULTI)
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29. Index 2016 Mercosul - Indústria Farmoquímica e de Insumos Farmacêuticos (PT>EN)
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30. The Icelandic Word Bank (EN<->IS-MULTI)
Entries: 125000  
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