English <-> Portuguese medical, health, personal care dictionaries

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Home > Dictionary search > English <-> Portuguese medical, health, personal care dictionaries
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1. DeCS - Health Sciences Descriptors (EN<->ES<->PT)
Entries: 24941  
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2. PeDOIA - Pediatric Dermatology Atlas (DE-EN-ES-FR-PT-TR)
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3. DOIA - Dermatology Online Atlas (DE-EN-ES-FR-PT-TR)
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4. Multilingual Dictionary of Ophthalmology (MULTI)
Entries: 24368  
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5. EMITEL - European Medical Imaging Technology e-Encyclopaedia (MULTI)
Entries: 3200  
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6. Atlas of Ophthalmology (AR-DE-EN-ES-JA-PT-RU-ZH)
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7. European Psychoanalytical Federation Glossary (MULTI)
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8. European Institute of Romania Terminology Database (DE-EN-ES-FR-IT-LA-PT-RO)
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9. IATE Terminology collection around COVID-19 and SARS-CoV-2 (MULTI)
Entries: 687  
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10. Glossary of common ingredient names for use in the labelling of cosmetic products (MULTI)
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11. Liber Herbarum II - The incomplete Reference-Guide to Herbal Medicine (MULTI)
Entries: 1668  
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12. Medical Dictionary For Regulatory Activities (MedDRA) (MULTI)
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13. TERMCAT - HIV and AIDS Multilingual Vocabulary - 2011 (CA-EN-ES-FR-GL-IT-PT-RO)
Entries: 400  
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14. Panlatin Bioethics Glossary - 2007 (CA-EN-ES-FR-GL-IT-PT-RO)
Entries: 300  
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15. EUPATI- Medicines R&D and Patient Engagement Terminology (MULTI)
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