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Version - 28 March 2019
- Main interface modified for better Windows 10 compatibility.
Version - 03 June 2011
- Fixed several minor bugs. Localized Italian version made available.
Version - 26 March 2010
- Fixed bug relating to dictionaries sometimes taking a long time to load when accessed over a local area network.
Version - 19 March 2009
- Fixed bug relating to the mouse cursor disappearing when editing in the Search results window (this bug only affected XP systems with the Microsoft IntelliPoint mouse driver loaded).
- Fixed bug which sometimes prevented deletion of values entered into the "Notes" field in the Search results window.
Version - 27 June 2008
- Dictionary properties "collating order" option added, allowing users to define the underlying collating order of each of their dictionaries.
- Better handling of dictionary load errors - a message relating to why a dictionary was unable to load is now given in "Dictionaries/Properties".
- Small modifications to the way the application prints "right to left" scripts (for languages such as Arabic and Hebrew).
- Fixed bug which prevented the loading of a dictionary if its directory name contained a bracket character.
Version - 10 May 2007
- New feature - Search "Global Hot Key" which allows you to search through Lingo dictionaries from within other Windows applications, such as Word, Internet Explorer, Notepad, etc.
- Improvement - better support for "right to left" scripts (for languages such as Arabic and Hebrew)
- Fixed bug in Import window which could cause an application error if invalid characters were present within the proposed filename.
Version - 27 December 2006
- Fixed bug which could cause an application error on program startup in certain systems.
Version - 15 December 2006
- Fixed bug which sometimes prevented carriage returns from being displayed correctly in the datagrid of the Search results window.
- Fixed bug which prevented more than one carriage return being entered into the datagrid of the Search results window.
- Fixed bug in Add window which sometimes made the "Notes" field re-size incorrectly.
- Improvement to Add window - if a category's text length is set as "unlimited", it will be displayed as a multiline text box instead of a single line box.
Version - 6 December 2006
- Fixed bug which prevented Unicode characters being dragged and dropped into the Add window.
- Improvement to Dictionaries window - opened dictionaries are now always displayed in the same order (A-Z) instead of being listed randomly.
- Maximum allowed font size for all text fields increased from 16 pts to 20 pts.
- Fixed bug which prevented Category labels being displayed correctly in the Add window.
- Improvement to "Find whole words only" search option, which now takes into account commas (at the end of a word) and apostrophes (at the start of a word).
- Fixed bug with regard to modifictaions not being saved in the Search results window if a column sort was applied during an item edit.
- Added "Loading... please wait." message on application start up.
- Fixed several drag and drop problems in Vista RC1.
- Fixed bug relating to a delay in closing the Search results window in Vista RC1.
- Fixed Lingo Toolbar display problem (small button set not being sized properly) in Vista RC1.
- Improvement to Add window - keyboard shortcut (Alt+D) added for deleting/clearing current entry.
- Fixed Vista RC1 bug which prevented smooth scrolling of data (and sometimes caused application error) in the Search results window.
Version - 10 November 2006
- Improvement to Add data window. Option added to allow users to set height of language text entry boxes.
- Improvement to Search results window. Option added ("Expand data rows on edit") which facilitates the viewing and editing of lengthy text entries.
- Improved drag and drop functionality in Search results window.
- Fixed bug when using the "Always on top" property of the Search results window.
- Maximum allowed font size for all text fields increased from 12 pts to 16 pts in order to cater for the correct visibility of very complex unicode characters (for languages such as Tibetan).
- Improvement to Add data window - text entry boxes are now sized according to the font and font size used for each field, instead of fixed sizing.
Version - 20 October 2006
- Improvements to text file import function, incorporating a more flexible approach to source file format analysis.
- Improvements to TMX file import function to allow files prior to TMX 1.4 to be importable (in most cases).
- Fixed bug regarding problem for certain system locales when saving modified data in search results window ("Error at A006").
Version - 1 August 2006
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