Condividere: |
 | Francese-malayalam | | Malayalam: dizionario, traduzione online e risorse (FR<->ML), Dictionaric - Dictionnaire français-malayalam (FR<->ML), Glosbe - the multilingual online dictionary (MULTI), Coronavirus: A Glossary of Terms to Help You Understand the Crisis (MULTI) ... |
 | Inglese-malayalam | | Malayalam: dizionario, traduzione online e risorse (EN<->ML), Dizionario Shabdkosh inglese-malayalam (ML<->EN), Tamilcube - English-Malayalam Dictionary (EN<->ML), Oneindia.- English-Malayalam Dictionary (EN<->ML) ... |
 | Italiano-malayalam | | Glosbe - the multilingual online dictionary (MULTI), Coronavirus: A Glossary of Terms to Help You Understand the Crisis (MULTI) ... |
 | Spagnolo-malayalam | | Glosbe - the multilingual online dictionary (MULTI), Coronavirus: A Glossary of Terms to Help You Understand the Crisis (MULTI) ... |
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