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 | Arabic-Tagalog | | Glossary of Mental Health Terms - 2006 (AR-BOS-EN-FA-HR-TL), TWB - COVID-19 Glossary (AR-EN-SW-TL-VI-ZH), Glosbe - the multilingual online dictionary (MULTI), Multilingual Maths Glossary (EN>MULTI) ... |
 | Dutch-Tagalog | | Woordenboek.eu - Online Dictionary (NL<->TL), Glosbe - the multilingual online dictionary (MULTI), Multilingual illustrated dictionary of aquatic animals and plants - 1998 (MULTI), Multilingual Glossary of Common Library phrases (MULTI) ... |
 | English-Tagalog | | English>Tagalog Glossary of Key Election Terminology - 2008 (EN>TL), LingvoSoft Online English-Tagalog Dictionary (EN<->TL), English>Tagalog Glossary of Social Security Administration Terminology (EN>TL), Large Tagalog Dictionary (TL>EN) ... |
 | French-Tagalog | | Freelang French-Tagalog Dictionary (FR<->TL), Small French>Tagalog Dictionary (FR>TL), Glosbe - the multilingual online dictionary (MULTI), Multilingual illustrated dictionary of aquatic animals and plants - 1998 (MULTI) ... |
 | Italian-Tagalog | | Glosbe - the multilingual online dictionary (MULTI), Multilingual illustrated dictionary of aquatic animals and plants - 1998 (MULTI), Multilingual Glossary of Common Library phrases (MULTI), Coronavirus: A Glossary of Terms to Help You Understand the Crisis (MULTI) ... |
 | Norwegian-Tagalog | | LEXIN Norwegian-TagalogDictionary (NO>TL), Filipino (Tagalog) Online Dictionary (TL>EN-NO), Glosbe - the multilingual online dictionary (MULTI), Coronavirus: A Glossary of Terms to Help You Understand the Crisis (MULTI) ... |
 | Spanish-Tagalog | | Sofronio G. Calderón's English-Spanish-Tagalog Dictionary 1915 (EN-ES-TL), Tagalog Language Vocabulary 1860 (TL>ES), Glosbe - the multilingual online dictionary (MULTI), Multilingual illustrated dictionary of aquatic animals and plants - 1998 (MULTI) ... |
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