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 | Breton-English dictionaries |
 | Breton-French dictionaries |
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 | Catalan-Breton | | Glosbe - the multilingual online dictionary (MULTI), LOGOS Dictionary (MULTI), Reta Vortaro (EO>MULTI), Multilingual Dictionary of the Names of Chemical Elements (MULTI) ... |
 | Dutch-Breton | | The Jan Deloof Breton-Dutch Dictionary (BR<->NL), Woordenboek.eu - Online Dictionary (BR<-<NL), Glosbe - the multilingual online dictionary (MULTI), LOGOS Dictionary (MULTI) ... |
 | English-Breton | | Breton-English Golfing Vocabulary - 2005 (BR<->EN), Diziunariu mill Malti ghall Inglis (1900) (BR-EN), The Alternative Breton Dictionary (BR>EN), Glosbe - the multilingual online dictionary (MULTI) ... |
 | Esperanto-Breton | | Glosbe - the multilingual online dictionary (MULTI), LOGOS Dictionary (MULTI), Reta Vortaro (EO>MULTI), Multilingual Dictionary of the Names of Chemical Elements (MULTI) ... |
 | French-Breton | | Breton: dictionary, online translation and resources (BR->FR), Dictionary of science and technology - 2011 (BR<->FR), Dictionary of Economics - Preder 2005 (BR<->FR), Dictionnaire Grand Terrier Breton-Français (BR<->FR) ... |
 | German-Breton | | Glosbe - the multilingual online dictionary (MULTI), LOGOS Dictionary (MULTI), Reta Vortaro (EO>MULTI), Multilingual Dictionary of the Names of Chemical Elements (MULTI) ... |
 | Greek-Breton | | Glosbe - the multilingual online dictionary (MULTI), LOGOS Dictionary (MULTI), Reta Vortaro (EO>MULTI), Multilingual Dictionary of the Names of Chemical Elements (MULTI) ... |
 | Hungarian-Breton | | Glosbe - the multilingual online dictionary (MULTI), LOGOS Dictionary (MULTI), Reta Vortaro (EO>MULTI), Multilingual Dictionary of the Names of Chemical Elements (MULTI) ... |
 | Irish-Breton | | Lexicelt Breton-Galician Dictionary (BR<->GA), Glosbe - the multilingual online dictionary (MULTI), Reta Vortaro (EO>MULTI), Geonames - Countries of the World (MULTI) ... |
 | Italian-Breton | | De Judicibus - Breton-Italian General Dictionary (BR<->IT), Glosbe - the multilingual online dictionary (MULTI), LOGOS Dictionary (MULTI), Multilingual Dictionary of the Names of Chemical Elements (MULTI) ... |
 | Latin-Breton | | Petit glossaire des champignons - 2005 (BR-FR-LA), Le Catholicon de Jehan Lagadeuc, édition Calvez, 1499 (BR-FR-LA), Glosbe - the multilingual online dictionary (MULTI), LOGOS Dictionary (MULTI) ... |
 | Russian-Breton | | Swear words and Slang Breton-Russian Dictionary (BR<->RU), Glosbe - the multilingual online dictionary (MULTI), LOGOS Dictionary (MULTI), Reta Vortaro (EO>MULTI) ... |
 | Spanish-Breton | | Glosbe - the multilingual online dictionary (MULTI), LOGOS Dictionary (MULTI), Reta Vortaro (EO>MULTI), Geonames - Countries of the World (MULTI) ... |
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